Full Passport

The agency came through with the passport and so I have my Cambodian visa! I’ve also found out that the Laos visa-on-arrival stamps are small enough to fit in a gap that I have (from a very amusing bloke in the Lao Consulate here, he was fascinated by my passport. I suppose he doesn’t get to see many….) so all my options are open again. Tomorrow morning I’m leaving bright and early for a 3 day trip across the Mekong Delta and up to Phnom Penh by river.

Other than running around embassies, today has been fairly quiet. I did go for an 85p haircut and shave though. The haircut is good but the shave was fair agony, as I think the blades they use are not really up to Western-man stubble. He got through 3 blades on me and it felt like he was using a machete.