Steamboat Springs

In Steamboat Springs in a fantastic time share that Joe got for us. We have just spent the morning chilling in the pool, outdoor hot tub and sauna/steam room etc. Yesterday the skiing was more like ice skating as temperatures hit 50 degrees which was a shame, but you can’t win them all.. Missed the night out last night thanks to the crate of beer, bottle of Jeigermeister and bottle of Tauca that we foolishly purchased for a “livener” before going out, but the rest of the guys had a good time apparently. It seems like quite a happening town.

Hit the road in half an hour to head for Frisco where we are staying as a base for skiing in the ever popular Vail tomorrow. We’ll be there with Iain, Joe and Wendy tonight, then on Monday myself and Steve begin the trip West to Arhces National Park.