Heading far, far south

Today is the day I am off to Oz, first flying off Phuket up to Bangkok to hopefully the same airport as the international flight leaves from – opinion differs on this one!

I have taken things fairly easy the last two days. I didn’t consider the 5th option on the bike which was to end up in the nick, in Patong I got pulled over and because I wasn’t carrying my license, fined 300 baht, just a money making scam I am sure. Also I had to go to a police station about a mile away to pay it, some local girl gave me a lift as she had been busted for not wearing a helmet. She had to pay 500 baht for that, so at least they are not biased I suppose!

I found a “back street” massage palour for one last rub down, that was an experience. Whilst I was lying there she would move your arms into certain positions depending on what she wants to do. At one point I thought “this feels remarkably like a tit I am holding” and I surrupticiously opened an eye to take a look, and sure enough it was. Then I started thinking “am I meant to squeeze or not?” and decided against it seeing as I was only wearing beach shorts….

Then when she turned me over suddenly I found my beach shorts being ripped down and having an arse massage, and I was beggining to get worried I would be facing “Happy Ending” surcharges at this rate. Anyway it was all fine, and I can honestly say was the best massage I’ve ever had!

Must rush and get one last plate of rice and pack!