Pacific Highway

In a library in Aberdeen in Washington state – massive hangover so excuse the drivel. Went for a “quiet one or two” in a few locals’ bars last night, which turned out to be cheap and cheerful.

So we’ve been 4 days on the road from San Francisco up through Oregon which have been fairly uneventful really, we stopped off at Crater Lake, an extinct volcano now full of water (fairly obvious, I know…) In the last post I completely forgot the fact that we spent 2 nights in Yosemite, after leaving Tahoe and on the way to San Jose. We slept in a tent cabin thing which has been our closest brush with nature as yet and did a hike up a couple of highly impressive waterfalls as the spring snow melt is in full force at the moment thanks to the unseasonably high temperatures. The actual trail was a bit mainstream for my liking, but then it’s a bit of a touristy place.

Today we’re off to Olympic National Park, up in the very north west corner of the States apart from Alaska. We might even do some back country camping up there in fact as the weather is pretty nice at the moment. Yesterday we actually had a little bit of very light drizzle which is the first rain we’ve seen in the 7 weeks we’ve been out here!

We’ve found out that we’ve got the use of a time share in Whistler in Canada through a friend of Steve’s so we’re heading over the border for that at the weekend and should hopefully get some late season skiing in with any luck. Apparently they’ve had some recent big snow up there so conditions are good.