
And as if by magic I am in Argentina, in Puerto Iguazzu to be precise, a town just over the border and close to the Argentina side of the waterfalls. What a transformation! The place is clean, the buildings are in good order, and prices make Brazil seem extortionate! I’ve splashed out on a quality 4 star hotel (13 quid, but is does include a la carte dinner and breakfast) Just got back from a lazy afternoon in an alfresco cafe, where a spag bol and the equivalent of 5 pints of Stella just set me back 3 quid, so excuse the quality of this post!

The falls are absolutely incredible, the size and power they possess is amazing. At the moment the water is fairly high, but not high enough to stop you getting onto any of the dodgy catwalks that lead you right up to them, so it is almost perfect timing. That was just on the Brazilian side, the Argentine side is supposed to be even more eye-opening from what I hear, which is tomorrow’s excursion.

Last night I plumped for a Pizza Rodizio for dinner, but something got lost in the translation and I ended up with the Charruscaria option (spelt correctly now, I think). Fantastic! They spit roast all kinds of meat, and bring it to you fresh from the fire still on it’s skewer, and shave you some off there and then. I must have had 12 servings of meat, each one different, whether beef fillets, ribs, chicken breasts, pork with crackling on, then fillets, etc. You cannot stop the guy from serving you meat, which you eat with veggies and salad and so on that you serve yourself from a bar. It’s a bit like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice in that respect. It was of first class quality though, and cost a massive 2 quid (including a huge beer)

So, after tomorrow’s trip out to the falls I have to race back to Puerto Iguazzu, get my bag, get a bus back over the border to Foz, get another bus from there to the long-distance bus station, in time to get the 18:00 bus to Campo Grande up in the tropics. Do you think it’ll work out? Answers on a postcard please…