Hiked up Bear’s Peak the day before yesterday, a trail described as “strenuous” which it certainly was, given that it has a vertical ascent of nearly 3,000 feet up to an elevation of 8,461 feet, with snow underfoot for some of the time. It is supposed to take 4 to 5 hours, we did it in a little over 3, thanks to being late arriving due to Joe’s poxy directions which sent us off to completely the wrong trail head. On the way up you pass the Devil’s Thumb.

At the summit, in typical fashion, the bloody mobile rang (can’t get away from the damn things wherever you go). It was Joe, so I was giving him shit for his dodgy directions.

By the time we got down, it was just about totally dark! Had a quiet one yesterday, Steve foolishly went for a jog whilst I took the truck in for exchange as we had an electrical problem on it the other day, causing the lights to flash dim and bright as you were driving along, much to the frustration of the drivers we were behind. Got a tasteful maroon number now.
We are leaving Iain’s today to head for Steamboat Springs, another ski resort about 3 or 4 hours North West of here. We’ll spend two nights there then head back to Summit County somewhere and ski Vail on Saturday. Then myself and Steve will start the road trip out West directly from there. Photo uploads are likely to be sporadic/non-existent from now on as we’ll be reliant on internet caffs for updates, so whatever we tell you, you’ll have to believe from now on 🙂